CRT TV No Sound? Here’s the Repair Solution

Introduction :

A common issue with CRT TVs is the no sound problem.CRT TV No Sound This can be due to various faults, including speaker failure, faulty audio IC, capacitor leakage, resistor burnout, or power supply issues. In this guide, we will cover step-by-step troubleshooting with voltage testing points to help you fix the problem.

1. Check Basic Sound Settings

  • Ensure the TV is not muted.
  • Increase volume from both the remote and physical buttons.
  • Check for sound with external AV sources (DVD player, set-top box, etc.).

2. Test the Internal Speaker

  • Use a multimeter to check resistance (8Ω or 16Ω expected).
  • If resistance is infinite, replace the speaker.
  • Voltage at speaker terminals should be 1V to 5V AC when sound is active.
crt tv no sound issues repair guide
crt tv no sound issues repair guide

Common Speaker Values by Brand:

BrandModelSpeaker ImpedanceSpeaker Wattage

3. Check the Audio IC and Power Supply

Common Audio ICs & Voltage Testing:

BrandModelAudio ICVCC VoltageOutput Voltage
SonyKV-21FA210TDA7267A12V-18V5V-10V AC
SamsungCS-21K40MLTDA200312V4V-8V AC
LG21FS2RG-T3TDA705612V-15V3V-6V AC
OnidaCO21FGRLA444012V-15V5V-9V AC
VideoconBAZOOKA21XTDA729715V-18V6V-12V AC
  • If VCC is missing, check power transistors and diodes.
  • If VCC is present but no output, replace the audio IC.

CRT TV No Sound problem repairing guide
CRT TV No Sound problem repairing guide

4. Check Capacitors and Resistors

C5011000µF 25VPower filtering
C502470µF 16VAudio smoothing
C503220µF 25VNoise filtering
C504330µF 35VVoltage stabilization
R2012.2ΩSpeaker protection
R2024.7ΩAudio signal control
R2031KΩAudio feedback control
R20410ΩPower regulation

Replace any faulty components to restore sound output.

5. Check the Earphone Jack (If Available)

  • A faulty earphone jack can mute the speakers.
  • Clean the jack or replace it.

Voltage Testing:

  • Measure continuity with a multimeter.
  • If the jack is stuck, it will show 0Ω resistance.

6. Power Supply Issues Affecting Audio

  • If the 12V-18V power rail is missing, check nearby power transistors and diodes.

Common Power Section Components:

D6011N4007Rectifier diode12V-18V
Q6012SC1815Voltage regulator12V
C601470µF 35VPower filter capacitor35V
D602BY127Power rectifier15V
Q602TIP41CVoltage amplifier18V
C6021000µF 50VAudio power filter50V
R60122ΩPower surge protection 
R6021.5KΩVoltage divider 

Voltage Testing:

  • Check power input voltage to the Audio IC.
  • If missing, trace back to power section and replace faulty components.

Final Checks & Testing

  • Power on the TV and test for sound.
  • If still not working, check EEPROM IC settings (rare cases).


CRT TV No Sound issues follow this guide easy to repair.

  • Summarize all troubleshooting steps.
  • Encourage readers to comment if they need more help.
  • Suggest professional repair if none of the above solutions work.

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